A View from the Top

Workflow. Look it up on dictionary.com. It’s defined as “the flow or amount of work to and from an office, department or employee.” Scroll down on the page and you’ll also see it used in a sentence: “But even after years of practice and experimentation, her workflow remains breathtakingly painstaking.”

It’s easy to think of workflow as a roller coaster ride, with twists and turns, ups and downs that take your breath away—but consider the view from the top of the ride.

When you pause to evaluate your projects from a higher level, you’ll find that there is fresh air to be had. Before letting yourself be thrust into the whirlwind of ever-changing demands, take a moment to set your priorities for the day and think about how you want to manage the work. Taking a top-down view of all that’s in motion before propelling yourself along with it will enable you to better navigate and even anticipate the twists that lie ahead.

In a conversation I had with a colleague recently about workflow and project management, I asked what comes to mind when pondering these terms. His response was, “Priorities. Steady. Busy. Process. Reward.”

And there is a reward when you call yourself to view it from the top. The turns are smoother, major hills become minor bumps, and you get to the end with a lot less fear. Tell us about your roller coaster rides and what you did to make the journey more enjoyable.

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